Monday, October 21, 2013

Kalgoorlie Part I {Caravan Park - Working}

Two weeks today we have been at the caravan park, time really is flying.

We have seen out the last week of school holidays, J has started work, we have visited the Superpit a few times, the lookout over the town, driven around and checkout some of the amazing buildings but by far the most exciting is deciding to start the smalls in school!

OH, I almost forgot we also had a trip to the cinema's on the last day of the school holidays.  The smalls & I watched Turbo and they enjoyed every minute of it.  Who would have thought a movie about a snail could be so good.

I have again fallen in love with some buildings, with the history and more importantly my favourite building in Boulder is still for sale & almost $100k cheaper!


I really could spend every spare minute that I have taking pictures of these beautiful buildings. {Even more enthusiasm to do so with my new camera}

The boys were very happy that the afternoon we decided to go to the Superpit to see a blast, it was a very big one and looked true amazing {even to me, an anti-hole-in-the-ground person}.


Given that we are in town for six weeks more, with J working we decided to put the smalls into school for this time to give us all a break.  They are LOVING every minute of it after a week, which is great for all of us!

We topped off this last week with a wonderfully interesting night with our new neighbours {well over the road ones anyways} and a quiet night last night with delivered pizza.  Perfect end given the terrible change in the weather.

Can't wait to see what the next few weeks will bring us.

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