Sunday, June 8, 2014

Wooramel Station {Working}

We drove with the rain chasing us down and it followed us right up the driveway {and continued for the next 12 hours}!

This was a new station for us to visit this year, although we had meet Rachel & Justin before it is always a little nerve racking showing up at a new place for the first time.  That said, you know that you are happy with where you are and with what you are doing when 2 weeks, turns to 4 weeks and ends up being 5 weeks.

Where do I start on what happened over the last 5 weeks?  It isn't easy to 'compress' everything that did happen or to even try to explain some of the things that we saw while staying here, but I will try.

The plan for J while here was to help get the ablution blocks for the new caravan park up and running, repair a fallen ceiling in the homestead and also do up the main bathroom. The caravan park was two separate blocks, each with a shower & toilet and starting from just a bare patch of red dirt.

After having rained the day we arrived and some of the next, it was nice to go and see some water laying around the place.  Kaleb & Kyla got excited with the Wooramel mob asked them if they wanted to go 'mudsliding', well Kyla was excited till she knew what it was! It is exactly as it sounds, sliding in the mud.  You find a rock free clay pan, which now has water, you run up and SLIDE!  Mud goes from head to toe and you have it in your mouth & hair, but you had a great time doing it {or so I believe, mud & dreadlocks was a little too scary for me to consider actually having a go}.


As always, J worked his butt off and the transformation we saw was amazing.  The homestead bathroom was lovely, fresh & new and had a touch of old {history} added. The ablution blocks looked awesome, made out of old rain water tanks and then fit with a massive shower head {it seriously puts other caravan parks to shame}.


See, how much do you want to use these bathrooms?  They really do fit with the theme of the caravan park, being recycling and creating something unique.

The art around the park is amazing, don't you think?

We did also manage to have some time off to explore and relax.  Afternoons for the kids to learn to ride a two wheeled motorbike {Kaleb was in heaven}, an Sunday afternoon exploring the coast at Gladstone, bonfires, friendly dinners and even sometime muster {& yard work}.

I loved the afternoon that we went to the old sheering sheds for a look around.  The quarters are starting to look a little worse for wear but the actually sheering shed is still in a great condition.  I say it all the time I know, but to be able to see these buildings, smell the timber, sheep and 'old' is really a privilege.


Our last afternoon was spent taking some amazing pictures of yet another wonderful sunset.  The best part {alright not the best, so much as a nice ending} a lovely 'last supper' of crayfish!

We all and I mean everyone of us, had a fabulous time getting to know this new family and being made to feel welcomed into their home. I've no doubt that we will be back again and not just for work.

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