Sunday, July 7, 2013

Winning Station {Visiting/Working}

Back again and again it was like we had never left.

We arrived and hit the ground running.  J got right into work and the kids & I got right into schoolwork.  Well for four days we did school work, then Aggie and I disappeared for an epic shopping trip to Geraldton {honest it was just for bathroom supplies}.  We took off before the sun rose on the Thursday, leaving the two smalls in the capable hands of their Dad, Kim and four lovely Italian WOOFERS.

I honestly never thought I would say it but there is such a thing as too much shopping. We had three nights in Geraldton and after arriving early evening Thursday we hit the ground running Friday morning with our many page list.  We visited more places than I can even name and had filled the trailer.  Saturday saw much of the same with a few trips back to empty the car into the trailer and I am pleased to say that at just after 5pm we had an early dinner and then treated ourselves too ‘The Great Gatsby’ at the cinemas {along with everyone in Geraldton it would appear}. Sunday was another sun rise started and we got home Sunday just as it started raining right on 6pm.

Four every long but productive days and Monday was a day of rain!  I honestly though while the smalls and I did school work that we would have to do a quick move of the camper as the creek that has always been empty was quickly rising.

It was lovely to see Winning finally during/after some rain.  And thankfully come Wednesday the road in was open again which timed well as my folks popped up for the night to see us all. We had a lovely afternoon pottering, chatting and exploring and then listening to the great debate over who would be the new Prime Minister {I had no idea until I saw everyone standing around listening to the radio at the hanger}.  We ended up with Kevin Rudd AGAIN!

Thursday Mum & Dad took off at about lunchtime and we spend the afternoon pottering again.  The smalls annoying the Italians and J working.

Saturday was the busy bee at Winning Bush Gymkarna so we all piled into the cars to clean up and repair everything ready for the big event in a few weeks.  After getting covered in dust from head to toe we had some lunch and then left Justin and Nicola to head home again.

The next few days passed in a blur that was bib making for WBG {don’t ask safer not too} and thankfully we had 50 bibs {front and back so 100 squares} cut, painting and sewn together with sometime to spare.  Nana & Pop arrived somewhere here too {terrible but I can’t remember exactly when}.

The bathroom was finished {along with the other things that J did} and after a wonder feast for Kyle’s 17th Birthday we hit the road with a solar hot water system on the car/camper and made our way to Lyndon

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