Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I went south {Holiday}

So I flew south {to Perth} for a holiday.

Before I left I was okay with the 40++ degree weather.  Yes, it was hot!  Yes, I was sweaty and gross, but I was okay.

I arrived in Perth and asked my SIL if she was trying to turn me into a Popsicle because her air conditioning was so cold.  I wished I had packed jeans and hoped I didn't get sick, because let's face it I found it cold!

A week down south & I have returned {after an epic road trip with my sister and her girls} and I am melting.  It is so hot I can barely function! 
I am so hot it is like sitting in a sauna for the entire day {not that I would ever chose to sit in a sauna in the first place}! The kitchen is so hot that the tile floor could almost burn your feet & IT IS INSIDE THE HOUSE!

Thankfully, for my poor hot, sweaty body we have FIVE DAYS before we start our epic adventure to leave our home state.

Until then I am drinking as much as I am sweating & trying to think cooler thoughts.


  1. I understand you. Mr Sparky says that he is soaked at work by about 7:30 am. He only starts at 7am. I noticed yesterday that after going inside an airconditioned shop outside just seemed so much hotter but in saying that our office is airconditioned, I swear, to freezing levels so heading outside at lunch makes the heat feel beautiful until you defrost that is.

    1. That used to drive me mental when working in an office. You would have to dress for both winter & summer
